Thursday, February 5, 2009

Assignment #7

In this post I will be responding to Assignment #7.

Question a.) Which category of Canadian Personalities interested you the most? Why? Categories: we inspired, we founded, we fought, we built and we governed.

The category that interested me the most was We Founded. I was interested in this section because it was about people that founded places that were of need in Canada. They dedicated there lives to what they have founded

Question b.) Which personality interested you the most? Why?

The personality I chose was Lotta Hitschmanova. Lotta was born in Prague, Czechoslovakia (now the Czech Republic) on November 28, 1909. She helped found the Unitarian Service Committee of Canada. It is an organization that sends a small group of aid workers that sends supplies to Europe for relief and reconstruction. That happened in 1945. Before she came to Canada she was a journalist, but when the Germans came she escaped to France. She escaped Europe and departed for Canada. In Ottawa she was working as a postal censor for the Department of War services. Lotta was involved with the rehabilitation of children in Czechoslovakia. In 1945 she founded the Canadian branch of the Unitarian Service Committee. She continued with the organisation for 36 years. Her whole life she devoted her self to the service of others. She past away in 1990. She was a great person who helped others in need and that is why I chose her to be the personality to write about. Link 1 and Link 2

Question c.) Suggest three more influential Canadian personalities that could be
                          added to the site. Why did you choose these people? Which
                          categories would they fit into?

The three influential Canadians I chose are Roberta Bondar, Terry Fox and John McCrae. I chose Roberta Bondar because she was Canada's first woman astronaut. She is a great scientist and she inspired women because of her accomplishments. The category I would put her in is We Inspired. Terry Fox is a very famous and inspirational Canadian I was actually very surprised he wasn't on the website. His run to cure cancer inspired many to keep raising money for cancer. The category  I would put him in would be We Inspired. The third person I chose is John McCrae. He is famous for the poem he wrote called In Flanders Fields. He fought for are country and that is why I chose to put him in the We Fought category. Links to Roberta
John McCrae
Question d.) Which History-Maker did you have the most in common with?
Were you able to figure it out from the clues given? What do you share with that person?What are some things that are different between you and that person?

The History- Maker I was most in common with was Emily Carr. I was not able to figure out who the person was with the clues given. A thing we have in common is that I love to read and she wrote a book that won an award. I thing that is different between us is that she is a painter and I am far far away from being artistic.

Question e.) One hundred years from now imagine that students are learning
about Canadian History Makers and they discover you. What will you be remembered for? How were you a Canadian History Maker?Write a short profile of yourself imagining the contributions you have made to the future of Canada.

If students were learning about history makers and they came across me they would probably find something like this.
Santana B. a well accomplished environmentalist. She has written a book about how to save the earth. She is also a famous actress who has starred in many films. As a child Santana was always determined to be both and environmentalist and actress. She has also invented a appliances that use very little energy. She  traveled to Africa to help the poor families and provided them with food, water, clothing and shelter. Santana was never married but she adopted a baby from China named Lola. She was a caring mother, an environmentalist, an actress and an inspiration.


Shauna Pollock said...

I love hearing all about the future Santana! Well done!

ErmosaGuanca96 said...

hey santana love your blog and your template. wasnt assignment 7 really long.

Jessi M said...

I really like your assignment 7!!!
I really like what you wrote about yourself in 2109!

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