Friday, February 20, 2009

Assignment # 8

This is my interview with Louis Riel:

(me) Santana: Welcome everyone to the Biography Channel. Today on the show I will be interviewing one of Canada's most famous and controversial people. This person goes by the name of Louis Riel. He was charged with high treason for leading the North West Rebellion. He had a trial that lasted four days. When the trial was finished he was sentenced to death. He is here to today to tell us his side of the story and to give us more information about his life. Welcome Louis Riel.

Louis Riel: Thank you, I am glad to be here.

Santana: I have to begin asking do you think it was a fair trial?

Louis Riel: No, I don't think it was a fair trial because I don't think they understand me, they don't understand my side of story what my life was like, what I have done to get here. Personally I don't think that my crime was that bad.

Santana: I heard that you had a mental health problem. Is that true?

Louis Riel: Well that is what my friends and my uncle thought. My uncle put me in a mental institution in 1876 near Montreal. I was released from the institution in 1877.

Santana: What did you do to make people think you were insane?

Louis Riel: Well, I tore up my clothes repeatedly , interrupted mass and sometimes smash ornaments and candles in a chapel. Something that I don't agree with is that my friends thought I was mental when i gave a blind beggar $1000. I thought that I was doing a good deed. It would be something Jesus would do so i was just following his path.

Santana: What do you think made yo do those inappropriate things?

Louis Riel: I don't really remember it was 133 years ago. but it was probably for attention or one of my religious beliefs.

Santana: Speaking about religious beliefs, I heard you are very religious.

Louis Riel: I am very religious, My family is Catholic. During my trial I was always praying for God to help me through this. In 1875 I had a vision that God chose me as " the prophet of the new world". I saw myself as the voice for the Metis.

Santana: Thank you very much for being on the show today Louis. I hope you had a nice time.

Louis Riel: Thank you very much. I had a splendid time on the show.I hope to come visit again.

Santana: Everyone give a big round of applause for Mr. Louis Riel. Before we end the show let us give a big thanks to Time Machine Inc. Without the time machine are famous friend would not be able to be here. See you next time on the Biography Channel.

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Adria B said...

heey satntana,
i really like this assignment it has alot of info in it ..
keep up the great work:)
